Former General Store Appleton. The W.R. Lyons sign is still visible under the W.A. Gambell sign
13 November 2012
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.91.05)
Photographer: Sarah Bennett


Account Statement Appleton Ont, January 14, 1899 W. West General Merchant
14 January 1899
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.55.82b)
Donated by Sheila Babb and Ann E. Love


Appleton's S.S. #11 Ramsay School operated in this red brick building from 1879-1969
Circa 1879-1969
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.36.2.1)


Appleton's first school was a log building built in about 1828. By 1854 there were 60 children attending the school and a larger building was needed. In 1856 a new two-room log building was built. Attendance quickly rose at the school from 78 students in 1860 to 104 students in 1864. As a result of this increased attendance a two-room red brick school was built for the Appleton students in 1879.

School life at School Section #11 Ramsay (S.S.#11) was much different than the modern school system. Supplies were scarce, especially paper, so students used slates and slate pencils for the majority of their work. Teaching methods also had to be adapted based on the number of children. Good teachers encouraged the older students to help teach the younger ones. By 1864 there were 104 students at the school and only two teachers.

School life was simple but very active. Other than a few trees in the yard there were no swings or playgrounds. The children made their own games and played baseball or tag. A wire fence was eventually installed in the front and side of the schoolyard to prevent horses and buggies from taking a shortcut through the yard.

Some of the major events at the school included: the School Fair, the Christmas Concert, Valentine's Day and Arbor Day. Children spent time at school preparing crafts, compositions and other items to enter the School Fair and were always excited for the prize money.

Inside the school hung a large portrait of Queen Victoria, and smaller portraits of King George V and Queen Mary. Teaching aids were sparse consisting mainly of maps, a globe, measured lines and liquid measuring tins. In the centre of the room an oil drum stove heated the space. In 1938 a piano was purchased for the school and music became a dedicated part of the education. In 1934 a Junior Red Cross Society was organized at the school and held meetings on Fridays between three and four pm.

By the 1940s attendance at the school had dropped to about 30 students. In 1941, the school reverted back to a one-room operation. Although Hydro came to Appleton in 1937 it wasn't until 1945 that the school was upgraded to have electricity, in 1946 a radio was added and in 1948 indoor toilets were installed in the old junior classroom.

S.S. #11 Ramsay remained one-room school until December 1969 when the last classes were held at the school. In January 1970, the former S.S. #11 students began taking a school bus to Almonte where they attended school.

Although the school was closed in 1970, it actually continued to play a role in the community, this time as a museum. In 1970 the building was leased by the School Board to the North Lanark Historical Society which began operating a museum. The museum officially opened on June 26, 1971 but the historic building finally fell to the ground in the fire of July 1979.


S.S. #11 Ramsay School Photo 1936 (Almonte Gazette)
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.36.2.20)


One of the last classes at S.S. #11 Ramsay, 1966-1967, Teacher Mrs. Evelyn Miller
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.36.2.36)


Reunion! Even with the old red brick school gone former students and teachers feel a strong connection to Appleton. On June 30, 1985 the North Lanark Historical Society hosted a school reunion and hundreds of former students, teachers, trustees and school inspectors gathered in Appleton.


1985 School Reunion: S.S. #11Ramsay Students 1930-1940
30 June 1985
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.36.2.5)


North Lanark Historical Society and North Lanark Regional Museum
Summer 2012
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum


The North Lanark Historical Society was formed in 1965 in order to preserve the local history and heritage of North Lanark and the surrounding areas. The Society's motto was "Preserve What We Have Gained."

In 1970 the Historical Society began leasing the red brick former S.S. #11 schoolhouse and on June 23, 1971 opened a museum. The museum featured a school display as well as whittlings of pioneer life by Norman Paul. The museum was a great success and operated under a dedicated group of volunteers.

To the great dismay of everyone, the museum burned to the ground on July 19, 1979. Almost all the artefacts, photographs and original documents were destroyed in the fire along with the historic red brick schoolhouse.

The Historical Society was determined to rebuild and received overwhelming community support from the community. Local resident of Almonte, Doreen Drummond, felt strongly about local history and knew the Historical Society needed to rebuild. She encouraged her sons of Drummond Building Movers to find a new building and relocate it to the burned site. The following summer the Historical Society officially opened the new museum.

The North Lanark Historical Society continues to operate the North Lanark Regional Museum in Appleton. The museum is open seasonally and the historical society hosts events and historical lectures throughout the year.

The museum is also a member of the Lanark County Museums Network (LCMN).


Drummond Building Movers bring the new museum to Appleton
Circa 1980
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.36.11.10)


Appleton is still home to several businesses including: Al-Car Sand & Gravel, the Mississippi Golf Club and Saje Wisdom.

The Mississippi Golf Club was established in 1915 on the former Patterson Farm in Appleton. Overlooking the Mississippi river, the original golf course featured 9 holes and a stone club house. In 1987, the golf course was enlarged to become an 18-hole course and in 1992 a new pro shop was added. After a fire burned down the original stone club house in 1997, a modern new building was built and opened in the spring of 1998.

The Mississippi Golf Club is a thriving business in the community of Appleton and in 2012 boasted 450 adult members along with an enthusiastic junior program. To learn more visit: www.themississippi.ca/

Al-Car Sand & Gravel is a gravel company located on the West side of Appleton. The company offers a wide range of products and services including crushed stone, topsoil, landscape products, and road building materials. The company caters to both commercial and residential construction products. To learn more visit: www.alcarconstruction.com

Saje Wisdom salon and spa was founded in 2000 by Louise Beaulieu. Saje Wisdom offers customers the chance to enjoy a variety of luxurious spa and salon treatments while surrounded by the serenity of Asian gardens, waterfalls, the Mississippi Golf Course, the Mississippi River as well as 10 acres of nature. To learn more visit: www.sajewisdom.com


Bridge over Mississippi River at Appleton, Ontario
Early 20th Century
Appleton, Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada

North Lanark Regional Museum (2012.87.2)


For more photos of modern day Appleton and historic Appleton please visit the Photo Gallery.

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