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Abandoned Places & Spaces
South Grey Museum & Historical Library
Flesherton , Ontario


   Abandoned Places & Spaces
focuses on the disappearing
built heritage of former
Artemesia Township, Grey
County. This exhibit aims to
look at these abandoned
places, and considers what
efforts we take to preserve
our built heritage, if any at
all. Buildings come down, are

transformed for new uses or
meet with catastrophe such as
fire. The streetscape changes
and we move on.
   Like most rural Ontario
towns, the villages in the
former Artemesia Township
were settled in the mid-late
19th century and many of the
original buildings and

industry are long gone, are
currently deteriorating, or
have been transformed for
other use - their original
purpose forgotten. One
example of an abandoned place
in Artemesia Township is the
Flesherton Schoolhouse.
Built in 1891, this yellow-
brick building was abandoned

in 1970 and lay vacant until
it burnt down in 2008. The
youth of Flesherton, for the
most part, were not aware
that it existed until it was
   For many people in the
area, these old buildings
evoke strong memories or are
seen as the focal point of

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