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Tradition and Innovation: The Importance of Agriculture to Markham 1820-1920
Markham Museum
Markham , Ontario


instructing and benefiting
each other. .... They also
intend to have monthly
meetings for discussing
Agricultural topics, and for
adopting properly concerted
measures for effecting
Agricultural improvements
within the circle of their
influence, the first of which

will shortly take place and
the proceedings will no doubt
form matter to draft a most
interesting and valuable
practical agricultural
   The Township of Markham
is acknowledged to be one of
the richest in the Province.
It is upwards of 12 miles

square, and there is not a
single 200 acre lot within
the limits of the whole
Township, but want a
considerable portion of it is
under improvement. There are
between 500 and 600
cultivated farms in the
Township averaging each from
50 to 200 acres of cultivated

land, and in numerous
instances the latter quality,
being so perfectly cleared
that scarcely a single stump
can be seen in tracts of some
miles in extent, and which
land cannot be excelled in
   The British American
Cultivator, February 1844,

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