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The Life & Times of Dr. Hutchison In the Backwoods of Upper Canada
Hutchison House Museum
Peterborough , Ontario


   Dr. John Hutchison arrived
in North America at 20 years
of age, after studying to be
a surgeon in Scotland for 3
years. The early history of
the Peterborough area can be
told in part through the
patient records of the
doctor. He arrived in the
area in 1818; a few years

before the town of
Peterborough was settled. He
lived in several of the
townships in the Cobourg,
Port Hope and Peterborough
area before moving into
Peterborough in 1830. The
exhibit will focus on the
'life and times' of Dr.
Hutchison and his practice in

the backwoods of Upper
   Some of his patients
would become quite well known
in the history of Upper
Canada. For example, Susanna
Moodie and husband John
Dunbar Moodie; Thomas and
Catharine Parr Traill, as
well as Catharine and

Susanna's brother Samuel
Strickland, were patients of
the doctor. Thomas A.
Stewart, his wife Frances and
their family counted on the
doctor's friendship and
medical services. The letters
of Susanna Moodie, Catharine
Parr Traill, and Frances
Stewart are valuable

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