Network. This exhibit was
also made possible with the
support of the Board of
Directors of the Saint John
Jewish Historical Society.
A number of members and
friends of the Saint John
Jewish Historical Soceity
also supported this project
with donations, stories and
| photographs : Anita Babb
Brownstein, Alice Gold COhen,
The Hon, Erminie Cohen,
Jennie Cohen, Gary Davis,
Rolf and Ermon Fay Duschenes,
Michelle Green Echenberg, Dan
Elman, Charles and Sharon
(Cohen) Flam, Dr. Benjamin
and Judy Goldberg, Herbert
and Joan (Hart) Goldburg,
| Lainie Goldman, Morris
Gordon, Win and Lorie (Cohen)
Hackett, Susan Isaacs Lubin,
Leonard Kirsh, Murray and
Elanor Meltzer, Keren Guss
Oberfield, Leslie (Isaacs)
Ram, Sandra Levine Slover,
Reta (Gold) Tobin an the
Board of Directors, Jewish
Historical Society of
| Southern Alberta in memory of
Joseph Brager, formerly of
Saint John.