This exhibit features
stories of women from South
Branch to Rose Blanche. These
stories show the role that
women played in the
development of the history of
the southwest coast of
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Many may think that women
were just the bearers of
| children and did the
household chores, but this is
definitely a misconception.
The roles of most of the
women in this exhibit will
show that their lives were
complex. They played a huge
role in the development of
our history, whether it was
through the fishing industry,
| the farming industry or by
being a homemaker. Doing the
household chores and caring
for their children and
husbands was a major part of
their lives. However, many
aided their husbands by
tending the flakes, salting
the fish and preparing it for
winter. Others aided their
| husbands in the farming
industry. The women would
help in the fields by
planting, watering, weeding,
harvesting and storing the
vegetables for winter. All
these tasks were done by
hand. There was no machinery
to help with the hard work
that had to be done in order