The former Claybank Brick
Plant is nestled at the foot
of the Dirt Hills in south-
central Saskatchewan. This
National Historic Site is in
the early stages of
developing into a premiere
heritage attraction. The
Claybank Brick Plant,
representative of an
| industrial process quickly
vanishing from the landscape,
is unique in that it is the
only intact complex of its
type and era left in Canada
and is the best such example
in North America. The Site is
testimony both to the
entrepreneurial spirit and
skill found in rural
| communities in Saskatchewan,
and to a business that grew
to compete with the best of
imported products and
succeeded in doing so for
most of the last century.
The Plant is virtually
frozen in the 1912-37 time
period. Here you can find the
ten original down draft
| beehive kilns, and 90% of the
original equipment and
buildings still intact and
fully operational. Little has
changed in the entire complex
over many years and no
significant structures have
been lost. We interpret brick
making and early prairie
industrialism, the history of