travel and accommodations,
and the second was used
solely for travel. Because of
the construction of the Trans-
Canada Highway through Norris
Arm, less of a demand was
made on the railway and its
In the early 1930s, a
military hangar was built to
| house seaplanes, while
meteorological surveys were
conducted to address the
Trans-Atlantic flight. In
addition, weather information
was collected for the Air
Ministry and Norris Arm
assisted in aerial
development for Gander.
Before 1956, Rattling
| Brook had one of the best
salmon rivers in our
province. History shows that
Palaeo-Eskimos, the Beothucks
and early Newfoundland
explorers set up camps and
salmon stations on the
riverbanks to fish for
We cannot forget the men
| and women who went overseas
and fought for our country in
WWI and WWII. Their heroic
deeds cost some of them their
lives, but they are forever