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Photographic Travels of Reuben R. Sallows
Reuben R. Sallows Gallery
Goderich , Ontario


   At the turn of the 20th
century, when most cameras
and photographers operated
out of a studio, Reuben R.
Sallows took his heavy,
cumbersome equipment outside.
He photographed people at
work and play in the small
towns, farmlands and in the
expansive Canadian wilderness

of Ontario, the western
provinces and northern
Quebec. A rogue photographer,
Sallows did not wait for
clients to enter his studio.
He took his camera
everywhere: in his black Ford
Model A truck, in a hired
canoe and on the newly
installed trains that

crisscrossed Canada between
1881 and 1937.
   He sold his photographs
to his studio patrons in
Goderich, Ontario, the
Canadian, Albertan and
Ontario governments, postcard
and lithograph companies in
the United States, Britain,
Scotland and Germany as well

as magazines and newspapers
in Canada, the United States
and abroad. One of his
photographs, Patriarch of the
Flock, was published in the
National Geographic magazine
in 1920.
   His photographs are full
of detail and drama,
lightened at times with a bit

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