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The Trinity Benefit Club (TBC) - 170 Years of History, 1838 - 2008
Trinity Museum
Trinity , Newfoundland and Labrador


   On Candlemas Day, also
known as Groundhog Day, in
1838, seventy-six men met at
the Trinity Bight area
courthouse in Newfoundland
and Labrador for what would
be a milestone in Canadian
history. These men founded
the Trinity Benefit Club
(TBC), an association that

would provide financial
assistance to members who
were sick or unable to work .
Organized by the Reverend
William Bullock, TBC was the
only group of its kind in
Canada at that time, the
forerunner of workmen’s
compensation programs.
   The Trinity Benefit Club

was a non-denominational
organization, open to all
males over the age of 15 who
resided in the Trinity Bight
area. In the words of
Reverend Bullock, it was “the
very essence of brotherhood,”
with a flag consisting of a
shamrock, thistle and rose
joined in unity.

   This Community Memories
Exhibit relates the history
of the Trinity Benefit Club
through club documents, from
the minutes of its founding
meeting on February 2, 1838
to meetings in the 1950s, as
well as TBC’s changing
constitution and by-laws.
Newspaper clippings and

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