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Valemount & Area Museum
Valemount , British Columbia


   Only an indomitable spirit
could endure the treacherous
terrain in the valley between
the Rocky Mountains, Cariboo
Mountains and the Monashee
Mountains in interior British
and the history of the
Valemont area is full of such
resolute spirits.
   Shushwap natives camped

here in the summer to fish
for salmon. Pierre Bostonais,
an Iroquois Métis fur trader
and guide, dared the rocks,
river and rapids in the early
1800s. His nickname "Tete
Jaune" inspired the naming of
the Yellowhead Pass and
Yellowhead Highway. In 1862,
the Overlanders steadfastly

rode Red River carts from
Manitoba to the gold-laden
creeks of the Cariboo. Gritty
Canadian Northern Railway
Company workers blasted a
passage through the mountains
for train tracks from
Edmonton to Vancouver,
between 1911 and 1915. In the
early 1940s, 1500 Japanese

nationals, interned in 17
camps, helped to construct
the Yellowhead-Blue River
highway by hand.
   By 1920, the Village of
Valemount had developed as a
community base for the
railway and forest industries
with a roadhouse, train
station, post office and

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