Medicine and Mourning Letter from Lieutenant Chas. B. Grier
21 April 1916
Front Lines, 1st World War


Dear Mrs Aylen,
Just a short note to tell you how deeply I sympathise with you in the great loss you have sustained. I have been in the same Battery with Keith from the time of our arrival in France till his death, and considered him a very dear friend. He was always full of good humor and kindness and willingness to work or to help everyone else, and I am sure his ways and his life did a great deal of good to his men and fellow officers.

Of his bravery, there was never any question and he died like a man at his post. I can never tell you how much he will be missed by us, but I can assure you that his memory will be fondly cherished by all who were ever in contact with him at the front. If there is anything I can possibly do for you or any information I can give I will be only too pleased to do so.

Yours very sincerely,

Chas. B. Grier (Charles)
Lieut. (Lieutenant)


Lest we forget


Medicine and Active Forces The Gateway Newspaper
28 November 1916
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Lieut. Cyril. Keith Aylen, 27th Batt. 7th Can. Art. Brig. B.E.F.

Killed in action, April 19th, 1916.

Location of Grave: Cemetery - Dickebusdh New Military Cemetery.

Index No. B28. Row-J., Grave #3.


The First World War and the rapid spread of the Spanish Influenza during the years between 1914 and 1918, saw the deaths of some 10 million people.


Welcome Home!


Medicine and Active Forces Welcome Home
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


The war has ended and the troops are returning.
Fort Saskatchewan prepared an enormous Welcome Home display for their arrival and celebration.


Medicine and Active Forces Survivors of war line up in town
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


Those that returned safely, lined up in the street and awaited the initiation of the Town Police Officer to lead the procession and start of the day's celebrations.


Medicine and Active Forces Forest Picnic
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


Picnic in the woods. Local history tells that after the parade, everyone met for a picnic in the shade of the local trees.


Medicine and Active Forces Ball Game on the Fair Grounds
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta