Cst. Meinzinger answers a question on why she joined the force.

"Oh, I guess I sort of...It's the National Police Force and it's so highly regarded. I mean, you think about when you travel around the world - people know who we are.

They KNOW - They know what the Mounties are, they know what the RCMP is.

They may not know everything - they may think that we still ride around on horses in our red jackets, but...It's just the Pride."


The Modern Mounted Police Canada Day Parade
1 July 2002
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


Fort Saskatchewan citizens may not always remember the historical link this community has with the mounted police, but there remains much pride here in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The Fort Saskatchewan Museum has a large collection of mounted police information and artifacts, and hosts the Alberta Historic Mounted Riders, who re-create the North West Mounted Police.


The Modern Mounted Police Centennial RCMP Park
2 April 2001
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


A local park is named after the RCMP, and mounted police members feel especially welcome and supported here.


Positive Reception


The Modern Mounted Police Constable Meinzinger Part II
14 March 2004


Says Cst. Helen Meinzinger:

"I think this is a very pro-policing community. I mean, that's obvious just in the way we're received in our uniforms. You know, people aren't ignorant. People are respectful. People are still, even the young people show respect for the uniform.

It always amazes me when I get an opportunity to go out in my red serge, just how much you see the pride in the community, in us."