Interior of Bethel Presbyterian Church looking towards the north window
Circa 1914
Bethel Presbyterian Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okangan Heritage Society Fonds
George Weeks (photographer)


The Bethel Presbyterian Church property was registered in the name of Fred J. Watson. Watson was a school teacher at the Okanagan School during this time period. He arrived in 1890 and remained in the Okanagan until 1897. He was one of the first church Trustees. Fred Watson had come out west from Ontario after receiving glowing accounts of the valley from his brother, Jesse, who had settled here in 1886. A third brother, Harvey Watson came out to the Okanagan in 1894, where he taught at the new Mission Creek School.

Robert Munson and James Crozier also served as church trustees. Both men were on the church's board of trustees until their deaths. James Crozier lived at Five Bridges, where he owned 160 acres. For many years Crozier operated a grist mill for three months each autumn. Mrs. Eliza Munson, Robert's wife, was granted the honour of naming the new church and chose, Bethel Presbyterian Church.

Most of the new congregation were men waiting to bring their families to the area. The three main families at the time of the opening were Robert Munson's, Howard Dell's and the James Crozier's families.


Robert and Eliza Munson with children
Circa 1890
Benvoulin, British Columbia

Stephen Munson
Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds


The Bethel Presbyterian Church was dedicated on September 11th 1892. Reverend Paul Langill conducted the service with guest speaker Reverend Thomas Somerville, D.D. of Glasgow Scotland, who dedicated the building. It appears that Rev. Somerville may have been a guest of Lord and Lady Aberdeen's at Guisachan House. Somerville was touring western Canada for the summer.

As the pews were not yet installed, chairs were brought in for the dignitaries. The rest, who were mostly men, stood. Mrs. Robert Hall was nervous, for in the absence of musical instrument or hymn books, she had been given the responsibility of "lining" (leading) the hymn. To her relief "Oh God of Bethel" rang out with gusto.


"O God of Bethel" by Philip Doddridge 1702-1751
Circa 1720s-1750

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Philip Doddridge (song writer)


Newspaper article on the opening of the Bethel Presbyterian Church in 1892
15 September 1892
Bethel Presbyterian Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Vernon Museum & Public Archives
Vernon News


Somerville presented a pulpit Bible to the original congregation to commemorate his part in the dedication service. Although it had been rebound at least once, the Bible was still used until the church was closed. The flyleaf carried the following inscription:

"May 17, 1894 - Presented to the Presbyterian Church at Guisachan, B.C. in memory of his visit by - Thomas Somerville, Minister, Blackfriars, Glasgow - who conducted the opening service, Sept. '92"


Bethel Presbyterian Church bible donated by Reverend Somerville
Benvoulin, British Columbia

Reid Family Fonds (Allen Reid)