The Temiskaming Art Gallery both benefits and contributes to this thriving art scene. The Gallery offers a yearly schedule of ten exhibitions a year. Notable local artists in solo and group shows are well-represented, along with hosting an annual exhibition by the Temiskaming Palette and Brush Club and the juried show of the Northern Ontario Arts Association. Important travelling shows at the Gallery have included Art Gallery of Ontario exhibitions by artists such as Lupe Rodriguez, Robert Holden, Christopher Broadhurst, Simon Harwood, Henry Moore (Shelter Sketchbook portfolio), works by Man Ray, Lichenstein, Christo, and Moira Clark. Other shows included Walter Curtin photography, Kayo O'Young ceramics, Shang Dong (China), group show of artists north of Superior, Edward Curtis Photographs, and Ukiyo-E. In addition, the Gallery frequently has exhibitions of local youth and children. They also offer the community a variety of art programming and outreach opportunities. There are programmes for schools, seniors, public lectures and workshops. Each year children can attend the Gallery's annual Junior Artists' Colony in Cobalt, and there are regular series of Saturday morning art classes for young people.


Exterior Temiskaming Shores City Hall
Temiskaming Shores, Ontario Canada

Municipality of Temiskaming Shores, Ontario


In April 2008, the grand opening of the new premises for the Temiskaming Art Gallery took place in the recently built City Hall for Temiskaming Shores. This new gallery was the result of funding received through the Canadian Heritage, Cultural Spaces Canada Program and local fundraising efforts lead by the Chair, Walter Pape, and members of the Gallery's Board. The space offers better space, environmental conditions, better storage of the permanent collection and offices, and greater facilities for lectures and receptions. The building is situated on the bank of Lake Temiskaming in a spectacular setting. Since opening in the new location, with a retrospective exhibition of Doug Donley's work, nineteen have been shown including work by Fusion: the Clay and Glass Association and the Northern Ontario Art Association.

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