Julie has just finished stowing away the children's clean laundry. Notice the homemade hooked rug on the floor beneath Julie's chair. These 1860's rugs are made from rags. This is the type of rug you would hook during the long winter days, just like the one Julie was working on earlier.


You may have noticed that all the images are of women. The division of labour was not so clear cut in a lightstation, it was a family job, more than a man's job. In this particular lightstation the different lightkeeping families had one thing in common, more girls than boys. The girls at the Cape Bonavista Lighthouse did every aspect of lightkeeping. We know of at least three families which lived in the house that had girls tend the lights at some point in time, as well as regularly attending to the other duties. It is only fair that their had work be recognized as such.

We hope you have enjoyed this segment of the exhibit.