Between the earth and sky
Living Prairie Museum, St. James, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


I can see why the old sea captains retired out here because it does give you the large view and the skyscape and that sort of general feeling. And so I know that some people just don't like to…don't like it, they find it's just too open and everything, but I've always really enjoyed the prairie landscape and I think it's a very…a very spiritual landscape, because it does sorta keep you in contact between the earth and the sky. If you're in the mountains, you got the rocks and things, but you don't get to see the sky a lot if you're in a deep valley you can't sorta see the weather coming at you and the weather forming up like you can out here. I mean even here it's not prairie but its open enough so that you can see that big thunderstorm coming at you from a long way away kind of a thing, and just sorta feel the landscape. I really tend to think of prairie as one of the primary landscapes in Manitoba, the other being the boreal forest, of course. And it's just, I've always really enjoyed it and felt quite connected to it.