The Dimmer House
Fox Cove, Newfoundland, Canada


"Registered Heritage Structures" Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Foundation
The Dimmer Residence was built around 1859 by Harry and Thomas Dimmer.
The most famous event involving the Dimmer house occurred on November 18, 1929, when an earthquake registering 7.2 on the Richter scale occurred approximately 250 km. south of the Burin Peninsula. The resulting tidal wave travelled at 130 km/hr and ranged in height from five to 15 m. Striking the Burin Peninsula, the "great big sea" wiped out many houses along that stretch of the coast, causing more than $1 million worth of damage and killing 27 people. Located high on a hill overlooking the harbour, the Dimmer house miraculously survived, and in the aftermath, served as a shelter for many of the victims.