These young ladies have performed for many audiences. Their repertoire consists of English and Icelandic. They have studied music through the Royal Conservatory of Music for both theory and piano.

They also entertain instrumentally and accompany themselves.

Due to their studies and sports they have taken a short break from performing. They are now in the process of starting again.


Erik Goodman
Riverton, Manitoba


Erik is one of the youngest musicians to carry on the family tradition. This young man is currently taking formal violin lessons.

Erik is the grandson of Sella Benedictson. He has occasionally come on stage to play violin with his Uncle Kris at dances.

He is third generation to "Johnny and his Musical Mates".


Brady Collins
Riverton, Manitoba


Brady is the youngest musician in the family to perform on stage at various functions. He also enjoys playing with his Uncle Kris.

Brady is studying both violin and piano and has won awards for his musical ability.

Brady is the grandson of Kristine Collins Briem.

He is a third generation to"Johnny and his Musical Mates".