2nd Generation Success
Benjamin Jr. (c.1835 - 1897) and Sarah Britton (c.1843 - 1925) married after 1861
Benjamin began his career as a peddler by trade and eventually owned a General Store in Laskay in competition with the Laskay Emporium.
He was very successful and in 1883 he was appointed Postmaster for Laskay; an appointment that indicates much about him - literate, respected, well placed in community.
His tragic death occured in 1897 when he was killed at a train crossing returning from a delivery in Toronto.
Benjamin was one of the earliest African Canadians to hold the position of Postmaster in Ontario.
Together Benjamin and Sarah had 6 children; Walter being the 2nd oldest. His older brother George operated the General Store and he became principal.
The children attended school in Strange and were taught by Elizabeth Tinline.


King City Cemetery
3 May 1989
King City, Ontario


Walter's 1st Marriage to Eva Smith
King Township, Ontario


Walter's 2nd Marriage to Laura Clark.
King Township, Ontario


Walter married twice, his first wife died at a young age, but there were no children resulting from either marriage.


Obituary of Phyllis Marshall.
9 February 1996
King Township, Ontario


In studying the history of the Rolling family it was exciting to come across a relative of Walter's, Phyllis Marshall. Miss Marshall was a well known singer in her day; she performed with Cab Calloway in the States and even had her own show on CBC Radio.
Like Walter, she was also possessed of an athletic ability that may have been a family characteristic.