Macaulay Heritage Park
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Dutch Heritage in Prince Edward County
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My father had been a poultry operator. When the war years came the Germans ..ah… took all his hens and made him take all his henhouses down. So they more or less shut him down. And then after the war was over, you had to start all over again from scratch. And the Dutch Government had, at the time, had a very strange way of getting these people to go again. Everything, you had to have a license or a permit or something. And so my dad went back to the authorities and said well, he would like to start up his chicken operation again. But they said 'No Mr.Van Vilet we are not going to give you any, because you are too old'. So then he was a fairly handy guy, ah, handy at carpentry work so he did that for a year or so. And than he decided, 'Well, if it is going to be that hard for me to start anything in this country, well I will go someplace else. Where there is an opportunity.' And Canada seemed to be the land of choice at the time.


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