Sometimes cowgirls in their colorful garb were trick riders or rode broncs.
"A lady bronc rider, Marie Gibson, was there and she came out on an exhibition ride. I heard it said that her stirrups were hobbled to her cinch so she had an advantage. It didn't matter to me. Al Dubois who broke horses for my Dad told me about this great lady rider and now I had seen her in person. "
- Boyd Anderson


Judge's Stand in front of Grandstand
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada


After the rodeo events which were held in a small arena with people standing all around, both inside and outside, came the horse races, with the judges and the announcer in a special stand in front of the grandstand. The starting line was also the finishing line. Later on a large rodeo arena was fenced inside the race track.


Booths along the Midway
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada


In the evening an electrical plant lit up a midway with games of chance and booths of food stretching nearly a half-mile.

"There were people from everywhere - Texas, Oklahoma... The midway was just as big as Regina's was then and I was flabbergasted. I enjoyed the rodeo so much and the Indian parade was wonderful."
- Elizabeth Disney


Airplane Rides
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada


One year an airplane sold rides to the spectators. Many settlers had never seen an airplane up to that time.
"I was just a small boy and I was delighted just to see the airplane. I never dreamed of having a ride in one."
- Leonard Morrison


Booko the Bear
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada


Another year a show company brought Booko the Bear to challenge local boxers.

"One attraction was the wrestling bear. Anyone who could stay in the ring for a given length of time won a prize. The rumor went around that a local strongman was going to wrestle the bear and that a promoter from Lafleche was betting on the strongman. It takes rumor to stir a crowd."
- Boyd Anderson


The Bowery - An Outdoor Dance Hall
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada


For many years the Lakota Sioux put on a pow-wow prior to the evening dance. It was held in the bowery and the admission was ten cents. They used to invite people from the crowd to dance with them.

"In the evening an Indian powwow was held inside the enclosure built of poplar branches. The Indian drummers began their tomtom beating. As the custom was one of the ranchers led the dance with some bride or some important member of the Chief's family or other important member of the band."
- Edna Riley Shapley


The Romansky Orchestra - getting ready to play for a dance
Rural Municipality of Waverley, Saskatchewan, Canada


At dark lights were switched on at the bowery and a dance was held. .Through the years many different orchestras were hired . The Thomsons, the Romansky Brothers, or the Morgans often played for the dance. They played waltzes and two-steps and seven-steps and maybe a schottische.


Bronc Riding in a Small Arena
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada