In July 1927, The Alexander Grant Memorial United Church was dedicated.


Rev. C R F MacLennan


In his early book, The History of the Presbyterian Church in Cape Breton, the Rev. Dr. John Murray, (News Publishing Company Ltd., Truro, N. S.) states: "Lake Ainslie has given a large number of young men to the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, more indeed than any other congregation on the island (Cape Breton )". Then he lists fifteen young men:
Hugh Mac Millan, Donald Mac Millan, Duncan Mac Millan, Donald Campbell, Allan Mac Kay, A.D., Murdock , Hector, Archibald, and John Y. Mac Kinnon, (all brothers), C. C. Mac Lean, John Mac Kinnon, Robert Mac Kinnon, A.D. Mac Kinnon, C.R. F. Mac Lennan


Peter MacMillan, Rev. Anne McKnight, Charle Neil MacLean at Alexander Grant Memorial United Church.
East Lake Ainslie


One family, that of John and Catherine (MacLean) MacKinnon, contributed much to Lake Ainslie and the greater world. The couple was blessed with 12 children. Several died in infancy and one, Duncan, died when he was 22. The surviving boys distinguished themselves in sports, education and as good men. An interview with Charles Neil MacLean, a neighbour much younger than the MacKinnons, shows the how they were held in great regard by those who knew them. Charles Neil MacLean was born in 1907 and still today remembers them well.

"The MacKinnon brothers were really well known, not only for their professions alone, but for their wonderful characters and personalities. They were so kind and thoughtful to everyone. There were always so generous in sharing whatever they had.


Dr. Donald Lauchlin MacKinnon, born at East Lake Ainslie, Nova Scotia


"Age difference didn't matter at all. Even though I was much younger that Dr. Dan, ( Donald L. 1873-1942) he would sit down and talk with me for a whole evening on the veranda of his bungalow. Then I remember when he operated on Duncan MacKay down there in the house. They hung sheets on all the walls before the operation. He took out several people's tonsils using the kitchen table for an operating table too."


Dr. Hugh L. MacKinnon, born at East Lake Ainslie, Nova Scotia


"Dr. Hugh ( Hugh 1882-1974) was the first doctor at the Memorial Hospital in Inverness. I remember when he was there. He saved Dan Hector MacPhail's life one time. He operated to remove fluid from around his heart. He cut in between heart beats. Hughie, like all the brothers, was very athletic and he broke many records at Queen's University that stood for a long time."


Rev. Murdoch A. MacKinnon, born at East Lake Ainslie, Nova Scotia.


"I remember Rev. Murdoch (Murdoch A. 1871-1954) at the United Church service when the new bell was installed. He said ‘I dedicate this bell to the glory of God.' in a strong voice that I'll never forget. He was a great preacher on Church union."


Rev. Hector MacLean MacKinnon, born at East Lake Ainslie, Nova Scotia.


"I knew Hector ( Hector M. 1868-1937) too, and used to visit him at Malcolm's after he had his stroke. He always had a smile for everyone."


Rev. Alexander Duncan MacKinnon, born at East Lake Ainslie, Nova Scotia.