Gas Plant
September, 1958
Pigeon Lake, Alberta, Canada


In 1958 I worked here at the Bonnie Glen Gas Plant near Pigeon Lake, doing mechanical maintenance.


Evening Recreation at Camp
August, 1957
Cynthia, Alberta, Canada


Art nicely summarized his experiences in a letter to his supervisor George Horne, dated July 20th, 1957:

"... Much credit is to be given to my fellow roustabouts for the time, effort and concern they have given on my behalf to show me some of the duties, both simple and complicated, of a roustabout.

My work to date has been largely of oilfield maintenance. Experience was gained in a variety of jobs, including pipefitting, pigging flowlines, conducting echometer surveys and making changes in production equipment. Much useful knowledge has been gained concerning tools, equipment and procedures to be followed.

One of the most important phases of the work with which I have tried to adjust myself is the ability to work and associate with my fellow workers. This knowledge and experience will be of invaluable assistance to me in years to follow. ...."

Yours very truly,
A. W. Irwin


Old Style Hard Hat
Canadian Petroleum Interpretive Centre, Devon, Alberta, Canada