On April 9th 1917 Albert J. Huble was on his trap-line when his dog (Old Blue) darted off into the bush and returned with a grizzly in hot pursuit. Two more followed and soon three grizzlies were attacking Old Blue. Huble descended from the safety of a tree and shot the three bears with his custom made 38 Special. While hiking to his tent for a rifle to finish off the injured bears, Huble slipped down a steep slope. When he picked himself up he was face to face with yet another grizzly bear. Al quickly removed the pistol from his hip and squeezed off the two remaining rounds into the face of the grizzly. This did not stop the bear. Bleeding and angry, the grizzly mauled Huble as he wrestled it by the ears. Old Blue (who was badly injured from the previous encounter) bit at the injured bear's tail and distracted it enough that Al was able to clear himself from its clutches. Huble, enraged, proceeded to bludgeon the grizzly to death with the butt of his 38 Special.
Relatives of A.J. Huble remember the scars the bear left him with. They also remember the resulting loose handle on the pistol he had at his side that day.

A.J. Huble's diary entry covering April 9th - 12th 1917.
Went over the mountain to Swamp Valley. Had a fight with grizzly bear. Killed him. Wounded others and took 22 rifle and went back up the mountain. Found two more grizzlies wounded. Bagged them. Went back up the mountain. Killed one more bear. Skinned one large. Packed skin to camp. Went up the mountain. Skinned three bears and packed the skins to camp. Fine day. (from Al Huble's diaries)


Fall at Huble Homestead 1915

And so ends the season. Its just before Christmas and everyone is looking forward to the new year.