The town of Rouleau was setting the pace in public ownership of utilities. ... The town had drilled two wells and found an ample supply of water at 200 feet depth. An electric light plant, a pumping station and water mains were installed in a suitable building to make Rouleau one of the most modern towns for many miles around. (Excerpt from Paper, Pen and Ink by Andrew King, Pg 57)

Though housing was a premium, the scales were tipped slightly in favor of the new newspaperman and so we were able to buy a house that had just been completed. It was a two and a half storey structure of architectural lines greatly admired at the time, but which would be shunned today. ... It was in this house that Mabel and I lived for thirty-four years during which time our five children were born to add to our happiness, which was further enhanced by the gracious atmosphere of friendliness and neighborliness so consistent with the spirit of the pioneers. (Excerpt from Paper, Pen and Ink by Andrew King, Pg 58)


Rouleau Fair Poster King Show Prints and Enterprise Show Prints
1 January 1920