The agent's posters were three days late in arriving. During that time, he was in and out of my office several times a day, trying cool off his impatience and no doubt appreciating the little bit of show talk I could carry on.

He wondered why there was not a poster printing plant somewhere in that part of Canada from which a prompt and convenient service could be obtained.

Jestingly, I said: "What about starting one here?"

He thought for a moment and said, "why not."

I suddenly had a lot of ideas in opposition to my own suggestion, the main one being that Rouleau was but a small town sitting out on the wide-open prairie. He retaliated with reasons sound enough to nullify my objections and finished up by pointing out that so long as a poster plant was located at a place which had a good train service, that was the main consideration. Anyway, most showmen never visited the plants which produced their posters. (Excerpt from Paper, Pen and Ink by Andrew King, Pg 68-69)


Roaring Tiger Head Poster King Show Prints and Enterprise Show Prints