Hill leading to the mill in Goderich Harbour - note the imprint- R. Sallows
Goderich, Ontario

University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario


Construction engine and steam shovel at work on the CPR line near Goderich, 1907
Goderich, Ontario

Huron County Museum, Goderich, Ontario


First crossing of the CPR bridge at Goderich, Ontario 1907
Goderich, Ontario

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


Craigie Bros. harvesting ice on Lake Huron, near Goderich, Ontario
Goderich, Ontario

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


Craigie Bros. harvesting ice on Lake Huron, near Goderich, Ontario
Goderich, Ontario

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


Cutting ice on Lake Huron
Goderich, Ontario

University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario


1888 Goderich Bicycle Club
Goderich, Ontario

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


House Portraits

In 1889, a write-up about Reuben R. Sallows' business included a new service - "persons desirious of having their residences taken can receive full satisfaction, as a complete outfit for this class of work has been specially obtained. Orders left early in this line always give the artist an opportunity to select the most favourable time for securing the most perfect pictures. Mr. Thos. Brophy, who has assisted Mr. Sallows for the past seven years, has full control of the finishing department, and it is needless to say is thoroughly proficient in his chosen vocation. During the absence of Mr. Sallows from the studio work can always be entrusted to Mr. Brophy with the utmost confidence."

As Sallows became well-knwon for house/farm pictures and views of the area, he was able to get out of the studio more often. His assistant, Thomas Brophy covered for him, a job that was to increase as Sallows experimented with various facets of the photography business.


McPhee Farm - Annie & Will Cory at the gate and Mr. & Mrs. Charlie McPhee with the horse
Circa 1900s
Colborne Township, near Goderich, Ontario

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


Home of Thomas Bogie
Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


Timber Camp near Algonquin Park
Algonquin Park, Ontario

Reuben R. Sallows Gallery, Goderich, Ontario


Sallows' Magic Lantern Show

"Lastly, but by no means least interesting, is the lantern department in connection with the establishment. Mr. Sallows has imported from one of the leading opticians in London, England, a world-renown "Pamphengos Dissolving Views Apparatus." During the past winter over twenty public exhibitions have been given to Sabbath schools and churches in Huron county with unbounded success and satisfaction to all concerned. The views, which are of the best, are all colored by the first English artists, and comprise travels in the Holy Land, Egypt and India, and these will be supplemented as the occasion requires. A large assortment of views of local scenery, statuary and slides of passing events, &c., will also be obtained. Terms for exhibition, public and private, which are moderate, can be had on application." (Huron Signal, 1889, p. 14)

The response to the traveling slide shows was positive judging by the remarks in the newspapers -

October 25, 1889 - Huron Signal -
Dungannon - "Coming - Mr. R.R. Sallows will give one of his now celebrated dissolving view entertainments at an early date. A good moonlight night will be chosen for the entertainment." p. 1

-November 21, 1890 - The Signal -
Leeburn - "Mr. R.R. Sallows will appear again at the Presbyterian church here, on Monday evening, the 1st, when he will give his new entertainment - Egypt. The views are all new and the lecture most interesting and if the weather keeps favorable there should be a large turnout to witness this first class exhibition." p. 1

-December 5, 1890 - The Signal - Sallows' lantern shows -
Leeburn - Egypt - "Sallows' entertainment with the new views of the Land of the Pharohs came off Monday night of last week in the church, and received the rapt attention of a good audience. Among the scenes were views of the war of 1882 and the mammoth pyramid. One or two of the notables in the burg also peeped on the audience. The shadow of the Dunlop scribe in two views - one of them seeing him hard at it at his writing desk with his fountain pen and a pretty motto, "Forget me not" - which, by-the-way, are presents from his friends. Some comments by R.R. Sallows on the far-famed scribe brought down the house. The audience was also deeply impressed with a ghost on the canvass, which made some of them think of a local one of pumpkin shape with pea-straw trimmings which has caused some wonder of late in the section. As it is Mr. Sallows' intention to show about this county in different places we would advise everybody to go and see it. The closing hymn "Rock of Ages," was prettily illustrated on the canvass. Miss Horton presided at the organ and several voices of the church choir assisted in the singing." p. 1