Scugog Shores Historical Museum
Port Perry, Ontario

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Greenbank: The Heart of Reach Township
Location: Greenbank, Reach Twp., On...




The Greenbank Division held their annual Soiree on Wednesday, the 18th inst. - A procession was formed in the morning, at the Son's Hall, and marched to the grove, headed by the Myrtle Band, after which Mr. William Ferguson took the chair. The following speakers addressed the large number of people assembled, viz., Rev. Messrs. Miller, Hulbert, McDonald and Markham. The chairman then announced that tea was ready. Just as a number of the good people assembled had got nicely seated around the rich spread provisions, the rain began to descend in torents; alas! For the cakes and pies, the rain seemed to spoil their otherwise excellent flavor. Awe think, however, that we never observed people stand "ducking" with better grace. Everyone seemed thankful for a fine shower; it had been long and anxiously looked for. After tea a large number of the persons in attendance, anxious to hear other speakers who were present, proceeded to the Primitive Methodist Chapel close by. Mr. Ferguson again took the chair and called on the Rev. Mr. Curts of Brooklin. The gentleman we suppose, thinking the rain has spoiled the day's proceedings unfortunately had left. The Rev. Mr. Macarthur, of Brock, was then called upon, and came forward and delivered an excellent address upon the subject of Temperance. We are glad to see Ministers of Gospel, of various denominations, taking their stand on the side of Temperance; let others go and do likewise and thereby assist to drive the monster from our land.


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