Scugog Shores Historical Museum
Port Perry, Ontario

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Greenbank: The Heart of Reach Township
Location: Greenbank, Reach Twp., On...




At Greenbank, on Monday, 28th April, 1884, John Ianson, Esq., age 77 years, 2 mos., and 14 days.

Deceased was an Englishman by birth and parentage and though only a young man when he left his native land he has always been much attached to the land of his birth, the scenes of his childhood and youth, rejoiced in its prosperity, admired its laws and pointed with pride to the many enobling characteristics which give her a foremost place among the leading nations of the earth. He was born in Westmorland, England, in 1807. When a young man of twenty-five years he left his native land, crossed the Atlantic, and landed on the American coast. In 1835 he came to Canada, settled in the Township of Reach where he remained for forty-nine years up to the time of his decease. He has done his party nobly in helping on the progress of this prosperous township, working willingly and energetically with others who like him, were striving nobly to hurry on the care of the social, intellectual and financial progress. The combined effects of which have largely contributed to place the municipality of Reach in an advanced position among the municipalities of the province. While an admirer of and much devoted to his father land, he was true and faithful to the land of his adoption, the Maple Leaf forever. Through active and persevering industry he succeeded in securing a handsome property and raising a family of three sons and one daughter worthy of their devoted parents. He was a faithful supporter and generous contributor to his beloved Zion, the Church of England, and the existence of the Church of England in Greenbank is largely attributable to the efforts and liberality of the deceased. He had the satisfaction during life of witnessing much of the pleasing fruits arising from his manly efforts for the public good. He came to his end at a good-old age, leaving behind him to mourn his loss, a devoted widow, four loving children, three sons and one daughter.

The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.


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