2002- Special Mention Hwy 2A Park
Millet, Alberta, Canada


2002 International with Warringstown, Northern Ireland
Special Mention for Hwy 2A Park
Millet Communities in Bloom
Comments from the Judges (Brenden Casement of Edmonton, Alberta & Josef de Wael of Gent, Belgium)

General~ Millet has been a serious competitor in Communities in Bloom since 1996, demonstrating improvement every year.
The overall tidiness and attractive plantings invites everyone to stop and discover more of the town.
Those who stop to explore Millet will be surprised with the high wuality museum.

Tidiness! Millet is a clean and tidi town with a noticable lack of grafitti and litter.
The efforts of Mr. Hill's students to clean up Pipestone Creek is commendable and teaches them responsibility and other classes could benefit from similar projects.

Environmental Awareness~ The collection site for waste is neat and tidy. It is nice to see that the town is doing some composting and to hear that more and more citizens are doing their own.
The judges were pleased to see the generous riparian strip beside the watercourses and that it is being allowed to encroach on areas that are being mowed but are not in use.

Community Involvement~ Extraordinary; the judges were really impressed, and want to express their admiration for all those involved in the activities around town.
There are volunteers of all ages and occupations who contribute to the well being of the whole community.

Natural and Architectural Heritage Conservation~ The judges were impressed by the professionalism of the museum and thought the awards were well deserved.
The quality of the artifacts is outstanding and they are constantly being upgraded.
The descriptive plaques at many historical sites are of high quality and offer a high educational valuefor tourists ans all members of the community.
The judges were impressed bt the preservation and use of old buildings, such as the old bank and the merchantile building.
The preservation and identification of the native vegetation is a good program and demonstrates a commitment to nature and education of the citizens.

Floral Displays~ The color made the judges feelwelcome all the way into town, and they were impressed with the efforts some homeowners and commercial businesses made in the beautification of their town.
There are many varied beds and great planters well distributed throughout town and the hanging baskets and their watering systems were great!

Twinning Effort~ The judges were informed about efforts to contact their twin town of Waringstown, Northern Ireland by Grade 3 school children and Sparks.
This has been a great learning experience about life and the differences in the whole of Ireland.
The "greening" during their festivities in the spring, and the shamrocks at the awards banquet was a nice touch.
The planter designed by Daniel Walker with a shamrock, rainbow, pot of gold and the republic of Ireland's flag showed initiative and creativity.
The Waringstown Committee has been invited to travel to Kelowna and the Awards ceremony with the Millet Committee in a bus provided by the Lions Club.