London Road
April, 1937
Thamesville, Ontario, Canada


Georgina mentioned that the animals were not the only ones forced to find higher levels in order to stay dry. “Water was on all the floors in the house. We were upstairs the whole time.” The water was so high in the neighbour’s house that they came to stay with Georgina and her family. The Jackman’s found themselves stranded on their farm with nothing else to do but wait for the waters to recede. “It was cold and damp in that house, so we broke up the furniture, the chairs, and burned them.” They did not try to go into town to get help as they realized everyone else would be in the same situation, “We just stayed put I guess.” They were fortunate enough to receive some of the aid from the Red Cross, “It was breads, sandwiches, tins and that sort of thing.” The essential food items were also brought out to them from the town by people in boats. “They brought mainly bread and milk. I guess they thought we wouldn’t starve with bread and milk.”