Fall was a busy season when it came to gardening. Everyone pulled their garden and everyone canned so that they would have vegetables and fruits over the winter. There was no fridge so canning was necessary ?not to mention the money it saved you.

Once the hungry thirties were upon us, anything we could do to save money and supplement our diets became a way of life. My husband John wasn't getting enough work and we were running out of credit at the grocery store. So he got this idea in his head that he would get out his old 22 and shoot a couple of rabbits. Arriving back home successful, he would skin the rabbits and I would prepare them for the stew. This is how we got along for most of the hungry thirties. As a matter of fact that was the last time my husband ever held a gun.


Kathleen Powell holding her first born child John Alfred Powell Jr.
Drumheller, Alberta

Carla Powell