Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Richard Wilson




LW - Lavinia (Ann) Wilson, interviewee; RW - Richard Wilson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

LR: Okay; okay. [chuckles] Ahhhh... very good... ah... Okay. What um... What are some of the things that you've reconstructed about your house?

LW: About my house? Um... just the way that it looked and the fact that I... I never went in the living room in Fort Erie - I don't think anyone was in the living room in Fort Erie...

RW: Only on Sunday nights.

LR: What happened on Sunday nights?

RW: We lit the gas and oh my... Another thing was that my grandmother had never put the hydro in, electricity, so Sunday night Uncle Tom, he lived around the block and he was an ordained minister, he would be in there and a lot of people from the church were wandering around getting in your way, so...

LR: So on Sunday nights in the living room they...

RW: Well, yeah, you should have seen it there, uh, half of the congregation would get... specially Christmas and Easter and all that... and my grandmother would have about a 20 pound turkey and a 15-16 pound goose and I remember that too, because we had to wait before we could eat, on like say Christmas day and things like that, and we figured the grownups were going to eat until there was nothing left!

WM: 'Specially the minister...

LR: Now you started to say they lit something in the ...

RW: they lit the gas lights and ordinarily you just have one going and turned down real low. Sunday night, all 4 globes were going and the place was all bright and as I say half the church sitting there... That church is an apartment now.


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