Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Richard Wilson




MJ - Marlene Jamieson, interviewee; LW - Lavinia (Ann) Wilson, interviewee; RW - Richard Wilson, interviewee [with Wilma (WM) Morrison present] / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

MJ: Yeah... 'Cause I remember; I remember that... Do you remember Crystal Beach?

LR: No, I didn't grow up here, so I don't. But go ahead and tell me about Crystal Beach.

MJ: They used to have a picnic right... Where our father worked... A lot of companies had picnics in different places...

WM: That's the picture of the old roller coaster... um, they put a new 1...

MJ: 'The Comet'

WM: Yeah, 1 I can't remember which 1 there was...

RW: There was 2 of them.

WM: Yeah...

RW: The wooden 1 was fer [sic] the mostly kids, like little guys and that because... And then 'The Hurricane' - that was something else!

MJ: And 'The Comet'

WM: Okay so it was 'The Hurricane' and 'The Comet.'

LW: mhmm

LR: Oh, 'The Hurricane' and 'The Comet' were the roller coasters?

WM: Yeah, mhmm

RW: Yeah.

LR: Okay.

MJ: Yeah, you get on there and ooohooo...

WM: And 'The Comet,' the last 1 went out over the water...

RW: Yeah...

WM: ...and you felt like you were...

RW: And it was high...

WM: ...yeah, yeah...

RW: That little wooden 1, they had all the like, like kindergarten type kids, and that. And that was wooden...

LW: mmm


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