Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Nathaniel Dett Memorial Chapel, BME…




AS - Ada Summers, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

LR: Tell me... You mentioned that, uh, you had Norval Johnson has a Sunday School Teacher. Tell me a little bit about what you remember about her.

AS: What is there to say about that woman that hasn't already been said?! She was just the sweetest... I mean and... Everyone loved her - I don't care who you were, everyone loved her. You know? And you were in her home all the time and she was always cookies and cakes and she was just... just 1 of those people you couldn't help but love. You know. And, like, as kids we would do anything for her. We'd help her do this, and help her do that, because we just loved being around her, you know.

LR: What do you think made that...

AS: Her personality.

LR: Her personally...

AS: Her personality, yeah. I have never, ever ran into anyone that ever had anything bad to say about her.

LR: Wow.

AS: Yeah. And at that time too, they had... if I can remember back, they had a kind of a travelling dinner where you'd go from different... different places in a night, sampling these different foods, like the Italian food, or it'd be West Indian food, or Scottish food, whatever, and I can vaguely remember that but it was part of going around tasting all these different foods 'cause some I didn't like [chuckles] and that was all through... with... Aunt Norval and the church and stuff at that time. Yeah. There's not a lot I remember but it's just her - that she always stood out.


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