Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Harry Harper




HH - Harry Harper, interviewee; AS - Ada Summers, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer; NP - Natalie Przybyl, interviewer

LR: So, so this picture is, um...

HH: This here is...

LR: team?

HH: [19]'47?

AS: Yeah.

HH: Yeah, [19]'47. Uh, yeah, we had, uh, we had more in the team.

AS: There's 2 different pictures.

HH: We had, uh, we didn't have them all out at the same time. I don't think... Is there a picture of your husband...

AS: Yeah, 1947

HH: ...There's not a picture of, uh, your husband in there is there?

AS: Yeah.

HH: He played...where is it at? Oh, here he is, over here. That's right. It's there he was...

AS: My deceased husband.

HH: We had uh, we had quite a few fellas playin' and there was all ages, and uh... But this time there's was just us few takin' the picture in here. So when the tours come in, which would be?

AS: This 1 here.

HH: Sometimes the tours come in, they lookin' at them; 'Well how come you're smiling here?' I say, 'Well good grief, we were young then; there was girls around!' [group laughs]

AS: I like when we have, when we have the tours in?

LR: Yeah?

AS: Um, if he's here, especially with the students, to try and pick him out of the 3, 'cause the 3 brothers look so much alike. And 8 out of 10 times they can pick him out in the picture.

LR: Isn't that incredible...

HH: Most of the time they pick out Jim 1st, and then me.

AS: Yeah. 'Cause see, they were called Mel Nicholson's Bulldozers, they were sponsored by Mel Nicholson, who had Mel Nicholson Construction.

LR: Okay!

HH: Well we had at 1st... 1st we had another outfit, but then Mel took over after that. He, there was just this other outfit, it was just the 1 year. And from then on we were the... And we toured around the, uh, uh lower Ontario. Uh, every long weekend they, some little town would have a parade and all this here stuff; they'll have a whole day. So we would go there and play a double header. And, uh... Well, I call it act the fool but we had a lot of fun.

AS: They'd jump, they would jump in the back of Mel Nicholson's dump truck and travel the highway to these games...

LR: Oh my gosh!

AS: And that was allowed then.

NP: Wow!

HH: What's his name, Bob. Bob, he uh, he worked for an outfit drivin' a truck, so he would... there was a steak, a steak truck with the canvas over it... So we'd be on the back of there, we were goin' up to, I think, Hamilton. Got up around Beamsville or someplace, and got a flat tire. So he rolled over t' the side the road. While him and somebody else changed the tire, we all sat along the fence. And all of a sudden, someone looked over, 'Oh! Peaches! Boy, do they ever look ripe!' And so George, he climbed, climbed over the fence...

AS: George Bell

HH: ...'You wanna peach?' They said, 'Sure!' So he's lobbin' 'em , pickin' up nice luscious ones, lobbin' 'em over the fence, we're catchin' 'em... 'Course we're givin' 'em to the girlfriends, and then we all got a peach. He says, 'Everybody got a peach?' 'Yeah!' [sound of 'wiping' hands] Wipes his hands off, he climbs the fence and sits down. Someone says, 'George, don't you like peaches?' 'Oh,' he says, 'oh, I love 'em.' 'Well why didn't you get yourself a peach?' He says, 'I don't eat stolen fruit!' [group laughs] He's the only 1 that climbed the fence to... [laughs]

AS: George tells that story all the time.


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