Though the CPR provided regular boat service along Lake Huron as early as 1883, it was the railroad that really opened up the North Shore to logging. The Soo line reached the gorge of the Aux Sables about 1882. A portion of the townsite was first settled by railway workers who were building the bridge. Even the name of the town is taken from a CP employee, a Mr. Massey who was likely the civil engineer who supervised construction of the bridge. The townsite would prove to be a logical jumping off point for men headed for timber limits up river. Hence it can be said that the railroad, river and logging industry all had direct and interrelated roles in the evolution of the town of Massey. Men and supplies brought as far as Massey by train reached the new lumber camps via Tote Road - Highway 553, which runs west of and parrallel to the Aux Sables River.

It was said the highlight of the local residents day at that time was to go and watch the trains comming and going to see who was getting on and off.

Credit 1: Massey Area Museum